Financial analysis alone is not enough.
The modern legal and business landscapes demand that financial experts expect and nimbly respond to the unexpected.

Rosenfarb experts apply generally accepted damage theories, valuation standards, accounting principles, and audit standards in assisting counsel in connection with contemplated or on-going matters.

At their disposal is the latest software and technology – but it is often simply a blank spreadsheet or word processing document which acts as the canvas for their work.

Reason prevails.
Achieving value is challenging if an expert’s financial analysis is incomplete, imprecise, inconsistent, or fails to consider the economic substance underlying the financial issues of the matter.

Rosenfarb experts exercise sound business judgment when evaluating financial issues. Further, when developing work product, they think logically, think ahead, and proactively “play devil’s advocate” to anticipate and address challenges before the parties adverse to their clients do.

Experts are storytellers.
To be effective, the expert must carefully assemble her analysis and factually generate a reasonable, fully supported, and self-contained “story.”

Achieving value begins with understanding the facts and the litigants and is followed by working with counsel to assess whether a particular position is financially feasible and reasonable.

The “story” is then conveyed to the trier of fact through a self-contained, fully supported report.